Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Q&A Widget from Travellr.com!

I've been extremely busy travelling mostly since my last posting (Yes! I LOVE my job!)  I have been equally grim in my vow to use Everlater, starting with my Vancouver trip....so much for that.  Truth is, my repository of travel information tends to stay in my head and if I am going to log into anything, I'd rather it be a "write once read everywhere" set up. Everlater was intended to be just that solution for me, but I am not in the habit of defaulting to it..I will try harder.

  One of the new things I have easily integrated is the Travellr.com widget of travel questions and answers on the platform.  It is a terrific network of global travelers committed to sharing and seeking travel gems. I think it is fab and have had a slew of great answers to my various questions.  You can see what I am up to in the community through the widget here, but why don't you also sign up as a member and get sharing?