Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu

Rather than make it a long day trip from Cusco and feel rushed and exhausted, we decided to be leisurely about it and split the trip to Machu Picchu as a 2-day excursion staying overnight in Ollantaytambo.  I prefered that to Aguas Calientes, which frankly sounded like a skin of a town that grew to cater to tourism and would be overrun with tour groups and backpackers. 

We took a microbus from Cusco that cost 10NS each (approx $3.40) for a 2.5 hr ride through gorgeous snow capped peaks and potatoe field dotted countryside. I was able to make a reservation a few days before at the Albergue in Ollantaytambo, located right on the train platform, for $65, including breakfast.  I think that is the off-season price.  It's a beautiful hotel with exquisite grounds and views, dining room, bar patio with views of the mountains and cafe that is right on the tracks. Rooms were clean, simple with dark wood furniture and still felt indulgent in a white adobe old station house. There were also newer rooms in other buildings on the small grounds.

Take the time to visit the ruins in town-really quite impressive and sets the tone of awe and wonderment of how they got huge stones quarried and hauled up the mountain side. It's also a great vantage point from seeing the town below and the surrounding peaks.

We had a 7:30 am train which left plenty of time to have a gorgeous breakfast that included coffee from the barrista, buffet of fruit salad and breads, and made to order pancakes or eggs. Great way to start the day.

Train options were many prompted by the recent opening up of PeruRails monopoly resulting in Inca Rail and another train company. We took PeruRail return for approx $63 for the morning run and $50 for the 2pm return, per person. These services were efficient, clean and even offered a lovely snack with tea/coffee (and a fashion show..)

ONce in Agua Caliente the bus to Machu Picchu park entrance (recommended unless you fancy hiking up for 2 hours!) is only 8NS per person and hustles up in 20 minutes, so money well spent especially if time is of the essence. You can also walk down-leave 2 hours to enjoy the well marked trail. Park entrance can be purchased by the shuttle bus at the park office or up at the actual park entrance.  I think park entrance was about $40 each-well worth it. Trust me.

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